Diagnostics of dyslexia using eye-tracking and artificial intelligence
The aim of the project is to more effectively diagnose dyslexia with the help of the most modern artificial intelligence tools (neural networks) and technical equipment (eye-tracker) and thus significantly contribute to improving reeducation procedures for dyslexic students. The project applies current scientific knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and information science. Through the accurate detection of the eye movements of dyslexic students while solving verbal and nonverbal problems and their subsequent analysis using machine learning tools, the project will create effective solutions for the more accurate diagnosis of dyslexia. The output of the project will be a software platform enabling the diagnosis of dyslexia directly in pedagogical-psychological counseling centers.
Dr. Roman Švaříček, Mgr. Nicol Dostálová, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Dr. Čeněk Šašinka, KISK, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Prof. Ing. Pavel Zezula, CSc., doc. RNDr. Jan Sedmidubský, Ph.D., KSUZD, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
Dr. Sascha Tamm, Deloitte Neuroscience Institute, Berlin
Prof. Angela Heine, Dr. Wolf Culemann, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen