Sympozium na téma Better Learning through Argumentation
11. února 2019
9:00 – 16:00 - budova C

Sympozium na téma Better Learning through Argumentation
11. února 2019, 9.00-16.00, budova C
Ústav pedagogických věd
Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita
Alina Reznitskaya, Ian A. G. Wilkinson: Assessing Comprehension and Production of Written Arguments in the Upper-Elementary Grades
Fabrizio Macagno: Coding relevance
Chrysi Rapanta: Making sense of argumentation as a pedagogical practice through three qualitatively different sensemaking activities
Adam Lefstein, Matan Barak: Dialogic Pedagogy, Univocal Texts: Advancing dialogue within the existing language arts curriculum
Christa Asterhan, Miriam Babichenko: Productive dialogue in the classroom staff room: Moving from the study of student argumentation to peer-led, teacher dialogue in PLCs
Markus Hähkiöniemi, Sami Lehesvuori, Pasi Nieminen, Jenna Hiltunen, Kaisa Jokiranta: What is “dialogic” in dialogic whole class argumentation in mathematics and physics?
Elisa Calcagni: Sharing rather than arguing. Reported and observed changes after a peer-facilitated TPD for dialogue in primary mathematics
Martin Sedlacek, Klara Sedova: Who argues in the classroom?
Roman Svaricek: Assessment of the quality of arguments in classroom discourse
Zuzana Šalamounová, Petr Fučík: Students’ participation in the context of their peer status
Cristian Manuel Santibañez Yañez: Towards a collective pedagogy of argumentation: from epistemic collective revision to individual robustness
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