Dílna expertů: ICT in Schools of Latvia

V Dílně expertů (studium Digited) 14. 11. 2024 na FF MU (od 16h. v učebně C43) přivítáme zahraničního experta Kasparse Kirise z University of Latvia (Institute of Educational Research).

11. 11. 2024

Dne 14. 11. 2024 na FF MU (od 16:00 v učebně C43) přivítáme v Dílně expertů (studium Digited) zahraničního experta Kasparse Kirise z University of Latvia (Institute of Educational Research).
Řeč bude o technologické infrastruktuře, ale zejména o pedagogickém využití technologií. Dalším tématem budou bariéry ve využívání technologií v lotyšských školách nebo jak vnímají technologie tamní učitelé. V neposlední řadě se zaměříme na to, jak se na lotyšských základních a středních školách používají 3D tiskárny, virtuální realita nebo AI.
Přijměte pozvání na toto skvělé vystoupení 🙂

Mg.sc.edu. , Mg.paed., Kaspars Kiris

He holds a qualification as an ICT teacher and a Master’s degree in the Management of Education.

From 2003 to 2015, he worked at Riga School of Arts and Crafts, where he served as a teacher of ICT subjects, a class teacher, and a methodologist for ICT subjects. During the last five years of his tenure, he held the position of Head of the Media Arts Department.

From 2015 to 2020, Kaspars Kiris served as the Principal of Inčukalns Primary School, where he also taught Mathematics and ICT-related subjects.

Since 2008, he has been a lecturer at the University of Latvia, teaching bachelor’s and master’s students.
In 2020, he joined the IEA ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study) project as a researcher and data management expert.

His lecture topics are Basics of Programming, Computer Graphics, 3D prototyping and printing, WEB Technologies, Human resource management in Education.

Kaspars Kiris has extensive experience in IT, web design, and web technologies and leads further education programs for ICT teachers.

His research interests include vocational education and training, adult education, the methodology of teaching programming basics, education management, and computer graphics.

He is a former national expert for ECVET (European Credits for Vocational Education and Training) in Latvia.

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